Just answer one question to win some CASH VOUCHERS
to be used at KENERIS SALON @ Wheelock place
So here's my question:
What's your EYE CARE regime like?
What brands do you use?
Tag your answers on my tagboard
OR email me at fidelistoh@gmail.com !
Win those cash vouchers for a major HAIR MAKEOVER! :3
(They can be used for perming, colouring, cut, treatment services)
I've been transferred to Paragon for the month of May,
ring me and meet me for lunch if you're in town kay!
Working @ paragon is making me POOR!

$20 on 6 pieces of macarons from Canelé Pâtisserie,
Macarons is looooooove. Those sweet melty lil' things. :3

Woke up like damn early the next morning.
off day also must wake up so early for no good reason. UGH.
Went for car inspection for boyf's car @ ubi.
$60 to inspect the car, wtf.
Then after you pay $60 to inspect the car,
then you go pay afew hundred more for road tax.
Big ass hole in the pocket!

Lol, this machine is damn funny lah!
It's to check the brightness of the headlights etc.
the machine will check the right lamp 1st,
then move to the left lamp to inspect it.
it's just like the machine to check our degree at the optician's!

After boyf spent lots of money on the stupid inspection/road tax.
Went to my grandma's house for lunchie!
Brought her some gifts, haha my grandma is super vain,
so she always love it when i buy beauty products for her!
Grandma remembered my birthday date wrongly!
Suppose to be 5th of July but she thought it's 7th of May
so she went and bought me my birthday present! :x
So i've got my EARLIEST present of my 20th birthday!
my 20th birthday. oh god i'm gonna freak 100000x
whenever i think of that.

Guess what is it? :3

a beeeeeeeeautiful pair of diamond earrings!
thanks grandmaaaaa~
Omg anyone watch Vampire Diaries?
The latest episode S01E19, the scene where Damon & Elena danced.
it's like ooooooooooomgggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
Damon is so HOT even thou he's such an ass in Vampire Diaries!
Watch it here:
The song - All i need by Within Temptations
absolutely fits that scene puuuuuur-fectly,
don't you think?